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This page features no less than 178 pictures from the mid 80's, converted from Sinclair QL and Spectrum programs. Most are from games, some are from utility software. The page is divided into 3 parts.
To move to the next picture: Click on one picture, and the next one is displayed!
Total of 178 files [1201937 bytes], page created 22 December 1997, updated 20 July 1998, moved 10 May 2009.
Jump directly to Top of page / [2]QL Utilities screens / [3]Spectrum Games screens
[1]QL GAMES (25 pictures)
ql001_west.gif [11599 bytes]
QL: West
ql002_monopoly.gif [4550 bytes]
QL: Monopoly
ql003_tennis.gif [7577 bytes]
QL: Tennis
ql004_betty_boop.gif [2531 bytes]
QL: Betty Boop
ql005_dagobert.gif [1579 bytes]
QL: Picture of Dagwood
ql006_lands_of_havoc.gif [8422 bytes]
QL: Lands of havoc
ql007_spook1.gif [5089 bytes]
QL: Spook
ql008_spook2.gif [5225 bytes]
QL: Spook
ql009_pirate1.gif [1827 bytes]
QL: Pirate
ql010_pirate2.gif [1586 bytes]
QL: Pirate
ql011_pirate3.gif [2719 bytes]
QL: Pirate
ql012_zkul.gif [14172 bytes]
QL: The Lost kingdom of Zkul
ql013_chess1.gif [6762 bytes]
QL Chess (came with computer)
ql014_chess2.gif [5122 bytes]
QL Chess (came with computer)
ql015_pharao1_logo.gif [10109 bytes]
QL: Pharao
ql016_pharao2.gif [14295 bytes]
QL: Pharao
ql017_pharao3.gif [14552 bytes]
QL: Pharao
ql018_3d_slime1.gif [3848 bytes]
QL: 3D Slime
ql019_3d_slime2.gif [8901 bytes]
QL: 3D Slime
ql020_vroom1.gif [3216 bytes]
QL car game: Vroom
ql021_vroom2.gif [5849 bytes]
QL car game: Vroom
ql022_vroom3.gif [5922 bytes]
QL car game: Vroom
ql023_scrabble1.gif [3514 bytes]
QL: Computer Scrabble, by Leisure Genius
ql024_scrabble2.gif [8033 bytes]
QL: Computer Scrabble, by Leisure Genius
ql025_scrabble3.gif [8466 bytes]
QL: Computer Scrabble, by Leisure Genius
Go to Top of page / [1]QL Games screens / [3]Spectrum Games screens
[2]QL UTILITIES (14 pictures)
ql052_eye_q.gif [9251 bytes]
QL: EyeQ
ql053_artist.gif [3661 bytes]
QL: Artist
ql054_ice_rom_example1.gif [5345 bytes]
QL: Ice ROM, came with hardware module
ql055_ice_rom_example2.gif [4992 bytes]
ql056_ice_rom_example3.gif [4424 bytes]
ql057_ice_rom_example4.gif [4493 bytes]
ql058_ice_rom_example5.gif [4553 bytes]
ql059_ice_rom_example6.gif [4603 bytes]
ql060_sign_designer_test.gif [6084 bytes]
QL: Sign Designer
ql061_surprise_b4f2.gif [38029 bytes]
QL screen when rebooting computer (memory test)
ql062_cosmos1_logo.gif [7021 bytes]
QL: Cosmos, by Talent Computer Systems 1985
ql063_cosmos2.gif [3538 bytes]
QL: Cosmos, by Talent Computer Systems 1985
ql064_cosmos3.gif [2416 bytes]
QL: Cosmos, by Talent Computer Systems 1985
Go to Top of page / [1]QL Games screens / [2]QL Utilities screens
[3]SPECCY GAMES (139 pictures)
sp001_nightshade.gif [5240 bytes]
Spectrum: Nightshade
sp002_starquake.gif [6114 bytes]
Spectrum: Starquake
sp003_monty.gif [6163 bytes]
Spectrum: Monty on the run, by Gremlin Graphics
sp004_runestone.gif [4954 bytes]
Spectrum: Runestone
sp005_herbert.gif [5038 bytes]
Spectrum: Herbert's dummy run
sp006_green_beret.gif [4469 bytes]
Spectrum: Green beret
sp007_alien_logo.gif [8116 bytes]
Spectrum: Alien, by Ultimate Play the Game
sp008_sam_stoat.gif [8468 bytes]
Spectrum: Sam Stoat, by Gremlin Graphics
sp009_falcon_patrol.gif [7621 bytes]
Spectrum: Falcon patrol 2, by Virgin Games 1985
sp010_raid_moscow.gif [8898 bytes]
Spectrum: Raid over Moscow, by U.S. Gold
sp011_bak2skool.gif [6660 bytes]
Spectrum: Back to school
sp012_tir_na_nog.gif [3529 bytes]
Spectrum: Tir na n'og
sp013_gyroscope.gif [7193 bytes]
Spectrum: Gyroscope, by Melbourne House
sp014_trans_am.gif [7540 bytes]
Spectrum: Trans Am, by Ultimate Play the Game
sp015_delaila.gif [6310 bytes]
Spectrum: Delaila, by Ronny Nordqvist 1986
sp016_countries.gif [5814 bytes]
sp017_v_lizard.gif [5342 bytes]
sp018_hobbit1_logo.gif [5134 bytes]
Spectrum: The Hobbit, adventure game by Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler
sp019_hobbit2_tunnel.gif [2947 bytes]
Spectrum: The Hobbit, in a comfortable tunnel like hall
sp020_hobbit3_troll.gif [4067 bytes]
Spectrum: The Hobbit, in the trolls clearing
sp021_hobbit4_valley.gif [3592 bytes]
Spectrum: The Hobbit, the narrow place
sp022_hobbit5_text.gif [3589 bytes]
Spectrum: The Hobbit, back in the trolls clearing with troll, Gandalf, Thorin
sp023_neverend_story1.gif [5565 bytes]
Spectrum: The Neverending Story, adventure game
sp024_neverend_story2.gif [4945 bytes]
Spectrum: The Neverending Story
sp025_bombjack.gif [8444 bytes]
Spectrum: Bomb Jack, by Elite
sp026_rocky_horror1_logo.gif [4529 bytes]
Spectrum: The Rocky Horror Show
sp027_rocky_horror2.gif [4883 bytes]
Spectrum: The Rocky Horror Show
sp028_rocky_horror3.gif [5607 bytes]
Spectrum: The Rocky Horror Show
sp029_turbo_esprite1_logo.gif [4022 bytes]
sp030_turbo_esprite2.gif [5764 bytes]
sp031_west_bank1_logo.gif [9500 bytes]
sp032_west_bank2.gif [5351 bytes]
sp033_west_bank3.gif [7991 bytes]
sp034_tau_ceti1_logo.gif [3061 bytes]
sp035_tau_ceti2_demo.gif [4868 bytes]
sp036_abu_simbel1_logo.gif [4953 bytes]
sp037_abu_simbel2.gif [7632 bytes]
sp038_underwurlde.gif [6827 bytes]
sp039_beach_head.gif [9338 bytes]
sp040_buck_rogers.gif [8898 bytes]
sp041_chiller1_logo.gif [8237 bytes]
sp042_chiller2.gif [7554 bytes]
sp043_delta_wing.gif [8851 bytes]
sp044_d_t_supertest.gif [9693 bytes]
sp045_fairlight.gif [11139 bytes]
sp046_giants_revenge.gif [7303 bytes]
sp047_gladiator1.gif [8283 bytes]
sp048_gladiator2.gif [7012 bytes]
sp049_gold_rush.gif [4695 bytes]
sp050_gremlins.gif [6092 bytes]
sp051_trivial_pursuit.gif [4001 bytes]
sp053_hunter_killer.gif [3682 bytes]
sp054_impossible_mission.gif [8395 bytes]
sp056_les_flics.gif [4893 bytes]
sp059_pole_position1.gif [4236 bytes]
sp060_pole_position2.gif [7058 bytes]
sp061_river_resque.gif [4200 bytes]
sp063_sorcerer.gif [6485 bytes]
sp064_space_command.gif [3832 bytes]
sp065_spellbound.gif [4558 bytes]
sp066_spiderman.gif [7160 bytes]
sp067_kung_fu.gif [6414 bytes]
sp068_stonkers.gif [8758 bytes]
sp069_tapper.gif [10989 bytes]
sp071_alien_hiway1.gif [6168 bytes]
sp072_alien_hiway2.gif [5264 bytes]
sp073_alien_hiway3.gif [7715 bytes]
sp074_booty_logo1.gif [4200 bytes]
sp075_booty_logo2.gif [5866 bytes]
sp077_chequered_flag.gif [6126 bytes]
sp078_commando.gif [13203 bytes]
sp080_dam_busters.gif [9988 bytes]
sp081_darkstar.gif [9495 bytes]
sp082_dynamic_graphics.gif [5233 bytes]
sp083_dynamite_dan.gif [7282 bytes]
sp084_exploding_fist.gif [9227 bytes]
sp085_ferrari.gif [4139 bytes]
sp087_riddare.gif [8549 bytes]
sp088_flintstones1_logo.gif [4600 bytes]
sp089_flintstones2.gif [3210 bytes]
sp091_lifeforce.gif [7300 bytes]
sp092_lord_of_rings1_logo.gif [9393 bytes]
Spectrum: Lord of the rings
sp093_lord_of_rings2.gif [4975 bytes]
Spectrum: Lord of the rings, you are Frodo, with Pippin and a vicious Sam
sp094_matchpoint.gif [6583 bytes]
sp096_psytron.gif [7471 bytes]
sp097_rasputin.gif [8359 bytes]
sp098_sam_fox1_logo.gif [7105 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker, 1986
sp099_sam_fox2.gif [3604 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp100_sam_fox3.gif [4460 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp101_sam_fox4.gif [3942 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp102_sam_fox5.gif [3651 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp103_sam_fox6.gif [4666 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp104_sam_fox7.gif [4612 bytes]
Spectrum: Samantha Fox Strip Poker
sp105_sherlock.gif [4095 bytes]
sp106_strikeforce_harrier.gif [4230 bytes]
sp107_twin_kingdom_valley.gif [13074 bytes]
sp108_talisman.gif [5594 bytes]
sp109_valhalla.gif [5218 bytes]
Spectrum: Valhalla, with Loki, Skadi, Idun, and Mary
sp110_witches_cauldron.gif [4767 bytes]
sp112_falklands_82.gif [6990 bytes]
Spectrum: Falklands 82
sp113_churchill.gif [7336 bytes]
sp114_juggernaut.gif [4603 bytes]
sp116_biggles.gif [6126 bytes]
sp117_nightmare_rally.gif [11239 bytes]
sp118_glider_rider.gif [8269 bytes]
sp119_saboteur.gif [5264 bytes]
sp120_gyron_necropolis.gif [8760 bytes]
sp121_asterix.gif [7726 bytes]
sp122_amazon_women.gif [7101 bytes]
sp123_great_escape.gif [3230 bytes]
sp124_dan_dare.gif [11485 bytes]
sp125_the_evil_dead.gif [6871 bytes]
sp126_microbot.gif [6815 bytes]
sp127_alchemist.gif [7584 bytes]
sp129_exploding_fist1.gif [9227 bytes]
sp130_exploding_fist2.gif [7244 bytes]
sp131_exploding_fist3.gif [6255 bytes]
sp132_exploding_fist4.gif [7206 bytes]
sp133_winter_games1_logo.gif [9693 bytes]
sp134_winter_games2.gif [8776 bytes]
sp135_winter_games3.gif [9610 bytes]
sp136_price_of_magic.gif [3856 bytes]
sp137_stop_the_express.gif [4402 bytes]
sp138_humpty_in_garden.gif [5892 bytes]
sp139_jack_nipper.gif [6565 bytes]
Go back to Top of page / [1]QL Games screens / [2]QL Utilities screens / [3]Spectrum Games screens