Back to song list Previous song Did Your Mother Come From Ireland Next song Dirty Old Town DINGLE BAY The sun was sinking oer the westward The fleet is leaving Dingle shore I watch the men row in their curraghs As they mark the fishing grounds near Scellig Mor All through the night men toil until the daybreak while at home their wives and sweethearts kneel and pray That God might guard them and protect them and bring them safely back to Dingle Bay I see the green Isle of Valencia I mind the days around Lough Lein The gannets swinging with abandon As they watch the silver store that comes their way I also see a ship on the horizon She is sailing to a country far away on board are exiles feeling lonely As they wave a fond farewell to Dingle Bay Now years have passed as I came homeward And time has left me old and grey I sit and muse about my childhood And the happy times I spent near Dingle Bay I see again the green isle of Valencia And the Isle of Inishmore seems far away And I'm always dreaming of my childhood And the happy days I spent near Dingle Bay 95/319, 1009 characters