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Next song Danny Boy COTTON FIELDS When I was a little biddy baby My mamma would a-rock me in my cradle, In them old cottonfields back home; When I was a little biddy baby My mamma would a-rock me in my cradle, In them old, old cottonfields back home. Well it may not sound too funny But we didn't make a-very much money, In them old cottonfields back home; Well it may not sound too funny But we didn't make a-very much money, In them old, old cottonfields back home. Oh when them cotton balls get a-rotten You couldn't pick a-very much cotton, In them old cottonfields back home; I was down in Lousiana 'Round about a mile from a-Texicana, In them old, old cottonfields back home. I was down in Arkensaw People said "What did you come here for?" From them old cotton fields back home; I was down in Arkensaw People said "What did you come here for?" From them old, old cotton fields back home. Oh when them cotton balls get a-rotten You couldn't pick a-very much cotton, In them old cottonfields back home; In them old, old cottonfields back home, In them old, old cottonfields back home! 25/133, 1128 characters